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Input Fields

These will be written to file and polled to populate the dropdown menu below when the page is refreshed.

Option 1  
Option 2  
Option 3  


Build a form entry page that will allow user to update drop down box options on another form

Update 6/28/2016

Spent last evening rolling out the Input Fields Project into a production site. Everything tested good. Got an early start on server updates and a snapshot at 330AM this morning. Now I just have to make it through the day.

Update 6/25/2016

New project kicked off, I'm building a web interface that will allow a user to update the contents of a dropdown box on a form. Link


It's been an hour or so and, Success! I have the the fields passing the vaules to a file that I am then calling to populate the select (dropdown) box! I may do some additional tweeking on this prior to putting it into production. I also want to put a login in place prior to using this style of form on a live site!

Nathan Berg